15. The Core Values of Florida Lawyers Network

Host: Mo ElDeiry

Welcome to the FLN Podcast, hosted by Mo ElDeiry, a veteran attorney and founder of the Florida Lawyers Network (FLN). Established in 2010, FLN is a prestigious network of highly skilled attorneys and professionals dedicated to fostering long-term connections. In this episode, Mo ElDeiry delves into the core values that drive FLN and the importance of building a strong organizational culture. He emphasizes providing consistent value to others, helping others succeed, creating excellent connections, maintaining professionalism and courtesy, paying attention to details while keeping the big picture in mind, communicating effectively, thinking big, and making everything captivating. These core values form the foundation of FLN’s mission to support and uplift its members both personally and professionally.


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Show Notes


  • Welcome message and introduction of the host, Mo ElDeiry.
  • Purpose of FLN: Building valuable, long-term connections among attorneys and professionals

FLN – Message of the Day: The Core Values of Florida Lawyers Network

  1. Provide Value and Benefit to Others:
    • Consistently help others be more successful in their goals and objectives.
  2. Help Others Succeed:
    • Members should make conscious efforts to assist others.
  3. Connections Create Excellence:
    • Building valuable connections ensures professional excellence and strong friendships.
    • Importance of attending, connecting, and participating in FLN activities.
  4. Professionalism and Courtesy:
    • Treat everyone with kindness, civility, respect, and professionalism.
  5. Details and Accuracy Make a Difference:
    • Pay attention to small details for accuracy and consistency without losing sight of the big picture.
  6. Communicate Early and Often:
    • Keep everyone informed to avoid misunderstandings and enhance collaboration.
  7. Think Big:
    • Encourage ambitious thinking and avoid underwhelming goals.
  8. Always Make Things Captivating:
    • Infuse energy, enthusiasm, and excellence into all FLN activities.
    • Aim to make FLN engaging and exciting to attract and retain members.

Call to Action:

  • Tune in to the FLN Podcast for more insights and discussions on building a strong network of legal professionals in Florida and beyond.