FLN – Episode 2 of 4 in the FAQ Series – Getting Involved with FLN

Host: Mo ElDeiry

In this episode of the FLN Podcast, Mo ElDeiry, a member of the Florida Bar since 1997, introduces the Florida Lawyers Network (FLN), an organization aimed at connecting qualified, seasoned attorneys throughout Florida. In this episode, he discusses the importance of getting involved with FLN, who should participate, when to join, and how qualified attorneys can become involved.


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Show Notes


  • Mo ElDeiry introduces himself and his vision for FLN, which began in 2010 with the aim of creating a network of attorneys and professionals across Florida.
  • This episode is part two of a four-part series answering frequently asked questions about FLN. Listeners are encouraged to listen to the prior episode for context.

2 of 4 in the FAQs Series – Getting Involved with FLN

  1. Why Get Involved with FLN:
    • For qualified, seasoned attorneys looking to improve their skills and provide better services to clients, FLN offers the opportunity to surround oneself with experienced attorneys from various practice areas.
  2. Who Should Get Involved with FLN:
    • Qualified, seasoned attorneys seeking to build valuable connections within the Florida Bar are encouraged to join FLN. Those willing to provide consistent value to others can benefit from the network.
  3. When to Get Involved:
    • Unless retirement is imminent, attorneys are encouraged to join FLN sooner rather than later. Building relationships and connections early can benefit both personally and professionally throughout one’s career.
  4. How to Get Involved:
    • Interested attorneys are invited to attend an FLN Chapter Meeting, which can be found on FLNMembers.com. Attending these meetings allows prospective members to understand the organization’s operations and meet existing members. If there isn’t a chapter in their area, attorneys are encouraged to express interest in starting one.
  5. FLN Video Channel:
    • Platform designed for consumer education and member visibility.
    • Encourages members to contribute professional videos to showcase expertise and assist consumers.


  • Mo ElDeiry concludes the episode, encouraging listeners to make the most of their legal careers by joining FLN and fostering valuable connections within the legal community.